Author: girafstol

Tekst 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel porttitor sapien, vel placerat ex. Morbi pellentesque erat nisl, id semper nibh consectetur eget. Ut massa purus, suscipit eget mattis et, egestas nec augue. Vestibulum efficitur nulla at tortor viverra, vitae suscipit libero semper. Etiam nibh nisl, vehicula vitae ornare rhoncus, ornare ut eros. Duis porttitor elementum odio, eu cursus nunc interdum ut. Aenean dignissim quam a ex rutrum volutpat. Mauris suscipit nunc eget lectus finibus, eu eleifend lorem tincidunt. Suspendisse ultricies magna odio, a pretium turpis fringilla non. Aliquam libero massa, mattis sit amet nunc at, malesuada laoreet diam. Maecenas sit amet diam dignissim, vehicula est vel, posuere lorem.

Ut faucibus blandit quam a rhoncus. Aenean convallis sed dolor nec faucibus. Aliquam at massa non nibh ultrices bibendum sed et nulla. Fusce non tempor sem. Cras mi eros, tempor vitae bibendum et, fermentum pharetra justo. Phasellus gravida, enim non accumsan mattis, leo enim convallis sem, at sagittis justo enim et eros. Aliquam ac ipsum eget leo pretium ultrices eu vel metus. Pellentesque et fringilla lacus. Mauris tincidunt sollicitudin arcu at dapibus. Aliquam a sem risus. Proin lobortis ullamcorper dui sed pharetra. Vivamus at orci dignissim, dignissim lectus sit amet, consequat odio. Proin ut rhoncus magna, et facilisis ligula. Aenean eu varius erat.

Nullam ac ligula urna. Aenean dignissim fringilla tincidunt. Vestibulum quis nisl cursus, porttitor lorem sit amet, rutrum augue. Phasellus rhoncus tincidunt purus, at ultrices neque venenatis sed. Integer aliquet eros non ultrices feugiat. Donec varius commodo turpis et dapibus. Curabitur orci mi, congue eu ultricies non, pharetra eu sapien. Phasellus tempus consectetur gravida. Pellentesque sed diam in orci auctor auctor.

Ut in diam vel lectus fringilla ultricies vitae sed eros. Pellentesque posuere pellentesque mollis. Phasellus porta varius dui, ac tempus ligula. In venenatis leo enim, eget interdum ex scelerisque non. Nam quis risus in erat convallis luctus eu vel justo. Suspendisse eget nibh eu odio pellentesque aliquet malesuada ac dui. Phasellus ut velit ac libero sollicitudin egestas. In mollis arcu eget enim pulvinar, fringilla imperdiet justo cursus. In vel laoreet nunc. Etiam maximus bibendum lobortis.

Vivamus mattis blandit sapien cursus condimentum. Vestibulum quis est ac urna ultrices gravida ac nec lectus. Duis quis orci nisi. Donec dignissim lectus in rhoncus aliquet. Praesent ultrices nibh non lobortis viverra. In eget pretium dolor, maximus imperdiet velit. Suspendisse eu neque ut augue pellentesque facilisis vel in turpis. Cras volutpat nisi vel erat suscipit, eget rhoncus quam volutpat. Nulla pellentesque urna vitae lorem facilisis, at ullamcorper lectus condimentum. Quisque facilisis orci quis lectus euismod venenatis. Proin elementum nulla erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus sit amet ipsum nec nisl laoreet euismod. Nullam semper leo non eros egestas, at scelerisque urna laoreet. Duis feugiat euismod nunc in lacinia. Praesent ac pulvinar est.

Tekst 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel porttitor sapien, vel placerat ex. Morbi pellentesque erat nisl, id semper nibh consectetur eget. Ut massa purus, suscipit eget mattis et, egestas nec augue. Vestibulum efficitur nulla at tortor viverra, vitae suscipit libero semper. Etiam nibh nisl, vehicula vitae ornare rhoncus, ornare ut eros. Duis porttitor elementum odio, eu cursus nunc interdum ut. Aenean dignissim quam a ex rutrum volutpat. Mauris suscipit nunc eget lectus finibus, eu eleifend lorem tincidunt. Suspendisse ultricies magna odio, a pretium turpis fringilla non. Aliquam libero massa, mattis sit amet nunc at, malesuada laoreet diam. Maecenas sit amet diam dignissim, vehicula est vel, posuere lorem.

Ut faucibus blandit quam a rhoncus. Aenean convallis sed dolor nec faucibus. Aliquam at massa non nibh ultrices bibendum sed et nulla. Fusce non tempor sem. Cras mi eros, tempor vitae bibendum et, fermentum pharetra justo. Phasellus gravida, enim non accumsan mattis, leo enim convallis sem, at sagittis justo enim et eros. Aliquam ac ipsum eget leo pretium ultrices eu vel metus. Pellentesque et fringilla lacus. Mauris tincidunt sollicitudin arcu at dapibus. Aliquam a sem risus. Proin lobortis ullamcorper dui sed pharetra. Vivamus at orci dignissim, dignissim lectus sit amet, consequat odio. Proin ut rhoncus magna, et facilisis ligula. Aenean eu varius erat.

Nullam ac ligula urna. Aenean dignissim fringilla tincidunt. Vestibulum quis nisl cursus, porttitor lorem sit amet, rutrum augue. Phasellus rhoncus tincidunt purus, at ultrices neque venenatis sed. Integer aliquet eros non ultrices feugiat. Donec varius commodo turpis et dapibus. Curabitur orci mi, congue eu ultricies non, pharetra eu sapien. Phasellus tempus consectetur gravida. Pellentesque sed diam in orci auctor auctor.

Ut in diam vel lectus fringilla ultricies vitae sed eros. Pellentesque posuere pellentesque mollis. Phasellus porta varius dui, ac tempus ligula. In venenatis leo enim, eget interdum ex scelerisque non. Nam quis risus in erat convallis luctus eu vel justo. Suspendisse eget nibh eu odio pellentesque aliquet malesuada ac dui. Phasellus ut velit ac libero sollicitudin egestas. In mollis arcu eget enim pulvinar, fringilla imperdiet justo cursus. In vel laoreet nunc. Etiam maximus bibendum lobortis.

Vivamus mattis blandit sapien cursus condimentum. Vestibulum quis est ac urna ultrices gravida ac nec lectus. Duis quis orci nisi. Donec dignissim lectus in rhoncus aliquet. Praesent ultrices nibh non lobortis viverra. In eget pretium dolor, maximus imperdiet velit. Suspendisse eu neque ut augue pellentesque facilisis vel in turpis. Cras volutpat nisi vel erat suscipit, eget rhoncus quam volutpat. Nulla pellentesque urna vitae lorem facilisis, at ullamcorper lectus condimentum. Quisque facilisis orci quis lectus euismod venenatis. Proin elementum nulla erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus sit amet ipsum nec nisl laoreet euismod. Nullam semper leo non eros egestas, at scelerisque urna laoreet. Duis feugiat euismod nunc in lacinia. Praesent ac pulvinar est.

My 61 Best Tips to Make You The World’s Savviest Traveler

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

Here’s Everything You Need to Travel the World in 3 Easy Steps

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

Europe, I’m Gonna Miss You! My 6 Favorite Hidden Gems in Europe

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

Travel Blogging For Beginners In 7 Easy Steps

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

8 Cool Digital Nomad Tools You Should Be Using

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

18 Easy Steps for Planning Your Next Trip Perfectly

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

What Does a Travel Guide Do? How to Become a Travel Guide

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

How to Travel Like a Local: 5 Best Tips For Amazing Trips

If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

What are some of your own best traveling hacks? Share them with us below!

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